Shop For Best Quality Rough Plumbing Supplies From Basement Watchdog.
Basement Watchdog batteries are standby batteries. They are made to be drained and recharged, and they will last longer and perform better than automotive or deep cycle batteries in a backup application. The Basement Watchdog sump pump systems have a special battery cap which holds the battery fluid sensor at the correct height to measure the liquid level in the battery. This sensor can be used with Basement Watchdog Batteries, but not with other batteries. It is important to keep batteries properly filled. About 80% of battery failures are due to low fluid levels.
Basement Watchdog batteries have a unique construction that enables them to:
Run our sump pumps longer...for more hours per charge
Remain viable for more years...normally five to seven years
Accommodate the battery fluid sensor
- For use with BWE pump
- Battery carton nests under BWE pump
- Will run the Emergency Sump Pump System for 6 hours continuously, which is day of intermittent use
- Not recommended for use with other Basement Watchdog Special or Big Dog
- 1 year warranty.
- Display box.
Do not use a maintenance-free or sealed battery with Basement Watchdog products.