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This is an economical quality vinyl-acrylic formulation that offers dependable performance and exceptional value as modern latex enamel for primed or previously painted drywall, plaster, wood or metal. Dirt and grease are easily removed from the finish by simply wiping with a rag and soapy water. Majic Easy Spread Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel dries to a tough semi-gloss finish coat.
- Size: 1-Gallon
- Color: Off White
- Drytime-Touch: 1 Hour
- Drytime-Recoat: 8 Hours
- Wet/ Film Thk: 4.7 Mils
- Film Thk /DRY: 1.0 Mils
- Finish: Semi-Gloss
- Gloss: 15-40 @ 60°
- Flashpoint: > 200° F
- Coverage: Up To 300 Sq Ft/Gal
- Viscosity: 92 - 96 Ku
- Solvent: Water
- Applies easily
- Tools clean in soapy water
- For woodwork, walls and trip
- Dries in minutes
- Designed to provide an economical, uniform, decorative finish on interior walls.
The surface to be painted must be clean and free of dirt, wax, oil, grease, paste, corrosion and water soluble residue. If washing the surface is necessary, use a water based, low sudsing detergent and rinse well with clean water. Remove any mildew using one quart of household bleach in three quarts of water. Rinse thoroughly. Wear goggles and gloves to prevent contact with the bleach. Loose and scaling paint should be removed by scraping or sanding. Repair holes, crevices and cracks with spackling compound, and sand smooth. Spot prime these areas. Dull glossy areas with sandpaper or surface prep agent. If using a liquid deglosser or primer, follow the directions closely and test a small area for compatibility with the finish coat. Stains from water smoke, ink and crayon will bleed through most paint. Cover these areas with an alcohol base or alkyd stain blocking primer. See label directions for priming requirements for specific surfaces.
NEW SURFACES: DRYWALL AND MASONRY: Prime with one coat of interior latex primer. Finish with two coats of Easy Spread Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Wall. INTERIOR WOOD: Apply one primer coat, using an alkyd enamel undercoat. Apply two finish coats of Easy Spread Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Wall. FERROUS METALS: Prime with one coat of an alkyd enamel undercoat or rust inhibiting primer. Finish with two coats of Easy Spread Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Wall. ALUMINUM: Apply one coat acrylic latex metal primer. Finish with two coats of Easy Spread Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Wall. GALVANIZED METAL: Check for stabilizing film, remove appropriately and prime with latex galvanized primer. Finish with two coats of Easy Spread Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Wall.
Do not paint at surface temperatures below 50° F. Stir the paint thoroughly. Apply generously with a good quality nylon or polyester brush or medium nap roller. First paint a 2 to 3 inch strip at the ceiling and baseboard, around windows and doors, and in corners with a sash brush. Overlap these brushed areas as much as possible as you continue painting with the roller. Do not spread paint too far. One rollerfull should cover an area approximately 3’ x 3’. Do not subject the finish to washing for at least 30 days. This paint will cover most surfaces in one coat. Textured surfaces or extreme color changes may require a second application. When using two or more gallons of the same color, mix paint together to assure uniform color. DO NOT THIN.
If you scrape, sand or remove old paint, you may release lead dust. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN. PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a NIOSH approved respirator to control lead exposure. Clean up carefully with a HEPA vacuum and wet mop.