Old Masters 81508 Pt Gel Stain, Puritan Pine

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A highly pigmented, oil-based gelled stain designed to achieve intense colors, Thick formula allows easy application and superior color control
SKU: 42535500
MFG: 81508
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  • A highly pigmented, oil-based gelled stain designed to achieve intense colors
  • Thick 'n Ezy formula allows easy application and better color control, necessary to achieve a rich, uniform, deep color on most any surface in a single application
  • Ideal for difficult-to-stain woods such as pine, poplar, maple, plywood and veneers, as well as non-porous surfaces including metal, composition (Masonite), fiberglass and plastic
  • Color: Puritan Pine


MFR: 81508
SKU: 42535500
UPC: 086348815087
Brand: Old Masters